A season of thanks, a season of giving…
Some of the things that come to mind when considering gratitude are healthy children, supportive family, quality time with loved ones, religious freedom and safety.
As you make your year-end plans, please consider donating to I Support Adoptions (ISA) to help us continue our work of supporting adoption and families, advocating for at-risk kids worldwide and providing a forum for the adoption community to connect. Your financial support, along with your prayers and voices, greatly help advance this important work and are greatly appreciated!
ISA is a non-profit organization and your donations are tax-deductible. Literally 100% of your donations are used toward grants gifted to adoptive families who find the financial piece of adoption challenging. ISA is managed by a Board of 4 members dedicated to our mission. And we have RESULTS! Please view four “Success Stories” here:
We would love to hear about what you are grateful for this season. Please share by commenting!
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