GoodShop for ISA
I Support Adoptions (ISA) is excited about this single-most easy and effective way for you to help raise money for our cause at no cost to you by shopping online at GoodShop!
When you shop with GoodShop, a percentage of your purchase is donated to our cause. GoodShop works with more than 5,000+ stores to provide the best deals and coupons and the top stores also donate up to 20% of your purchase back to ISA.
GoodShop has already raised more than $11 million dollars for various non-profits! ISA alone has received more than $2,100 for our cause and is raising more every day. The impact you make by shopping for ISA online at GoodShop is invaluable! All of the money raised will go directly in grants for adoptive families.
Our supporters can shop at their favorite stores, get the best deals at each and give back to at-risk children. What could be a better deal?!