Sponsorship Programs Questionnaire

ISA believes strongly in doing what is best for each individual child. Your monthly financial support through sponsorship may keep a biological family together, maintain an orphan in his or her own culture or integrate a child without parents into a loving family environment known as “orphan villages”. Consider one of our favorite sponsorship programs.

Interested in sponsoring a child and don’t know where to begin?
First, thank you! Second, we can help! Simply answer a few questions below to get started. (There are no wrong answers.) Please be aware: child sponsorship’s in the United States are not available due to governmental regulations. You are, however, able to sponsor a child in SOS Village in the United States!

    Your Name

    Your Email

    Do you prefer to

    I prefer photos and correspondence


    If you choose to sponsor an abandoned/orphaned child, do you wish to

    I am interested in picking my sponsoring child's age, gender and region of the world
